Dynamical system model
No Matches
dsm::Node< Id, Size > Class Template Reference

The Node class represents a node in the network. More...

#include <Node.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for dsm::Node< Id, Size >:
dsm::NodeConcept< Id, Size > dsm::TrafficLight< Id, Size, Delay >

Public Member Functions

 Node (Id id)
 Construct a new Node object.
 Node (Id id, std::pair< double, double > coords)
 Construct a new Node object.
void setCapacity (Size capacity) override
 Set the node's capacity.
void addAgent (double angle, Id agentId)
 Put an agent in the node.
void addAgent (Id agentId)
 Put an agent in the node.
void removeAgent (Id agentId)
 Removes an agent from the node.
void setStreetPriorities (std::set< Id > streetPriorities)
 Set the node streets with priority.
void addStreetPriority (Id streetId)
 Add a street to the node street priorities.
bool isFull () const override
 Returns true if the node is full.
virtual const std::set< Id > & streetPriorities () const
 Get the node's street priorities.
std::multimap< int16_t, Id > agents () const
 Get the node's agent ids.
Size agentCounter ()
 Returns the number of agents that have passed through the node.
virtual bool isIntersection () const noexcept override final
- Public Member Functions inherited from dsm::NodeConcept< Id, Size >
 NodeConcept (Id id)
 Construct a new Node object with capacity 1.
 NodeConcept (Id id, std::pair< double, double > coords)
 Construct a new Node object with capacity 1.
void setId (Id id)
 Set the node's id.
void setCoords (std::pair< double, double > coords)
 Set the node's coordinates.
Id id () const
 Get the node's id.
const std::optional< std::pair< double, double > > & coords () const
 Get the node's coordinates.
Size capacity () const
 Get the node's capacity.
virtual bool isTrafficLight () const noexcept
virtual bool isRoundabout () const noexcept

Protected Attributes

std::multimap< int16_t, Id > m_agents
std::set< Id > m_streetPriorities
Size m_agentCounter
- Protected Attributes inherited from dsm::NodeConcept< Id, Size >
Id m_id
std::optional< std::pair< double, double > > m_coords
Size m_capacity

Detailed Description

template<typename Id, typename Size>
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Id> && std::unsigned_integral<Size>)
class dsm::Node< Id, Size >

The Node class represents a node in the network.

Template Parameters
IdThe type of the node's id. It must be an unsigned integral type.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Node() [1/2]

template<typename Id , typename Size >
dsm::Node< Id, Size >::Node ( Id id)

Construct a new Node object.

idThe node's id

◆ Node() [2/2]

template<typename Id , typename Size >
dsm::Node< Id, Size >::Node ( Id id,
std::pair< double, double > coords )

Construct a new Node object.

idThe node's id
coordsA std::pair containing the node's coordinates

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAgent() [1/2]

template<typename Id , typename Size >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Id> && std::unsigned_integral<Size>)
void dsm::Node< Id, Size >::addAgent ( double angle,
Id agentId )

Put an agent in the node.

agentA std::pair containing the agent's angle difference and id

The agent's angle difference is used to order the agents in the node. The agent with the smallest angle difference is the first one to be removed from the node.

std::runtime_errorif the node is full

◆ addAgent() [2/2]

template<typename Id , typename Size >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Id> && std::unsigned_integral<Size>)
void dsm::Node< Id, Size >::addAgent ( Id agentId)

Put an agent in the node.

agentIdThe agent's id

The agent's angle difference is used to order the agents in the node. The agent with the smallest angle difference is the first one to be removed from the node.

std::runtime_errorif the node is full

◆ addStreetPriority()

template<typename Id , typename Size >
void dsm::Node< Id, Size >::addStreetPriority ( Id streetId)

Add a street to the node street priorities.

streetIdThe street's id

◆ agentCounter()

template<typename Id , typename Size >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Id> && std::unsigned_integral<Size>)
Size dsm::Node< Id, Size >::agentCounter ( )

Returns the number of agents that have passed through the node.

Size The number of agents that have passed through the node

This function returns the number of agents that have passed through the node since the last time this function was called. It also resets the counter.

◆ agents()

template<typename Id , typename Size >
std::multimap< int16_t, Id > dsm::Node< Id, Size >::agents ( ) const

Get the node's agent ids.

std::set<Id> A std::set containing the node's agent ids

◆ isFull()

template<typename Id , typename Size >
bool dsm::Node< Id, Size >::isFull ( ) const

Returns true if the node is full.

bool True if the node is full

Implements dsm::NodeConcept< Id, Size >.

◆ isIntersection()

template<typename Id , typename Size >
virtual bool dsm::Node< Id, Size >::isIntersection ( ) const

Reimplemented from dsm::NodeConcept< Id, Size >.

◆ removeAgent()

template<typename Id , typename Size >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Id> && std::unsigned_integral<Size>)
void dsm::Node< Id, Size >::removeAgent ( Id agentId)

Removes an agent from the node.

agentIdThe agent's id

◆ setCapacity()

template<typename Id , typename Size >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Id> && std::unsigned_integral<Size>)
void dsm::Node< Id, Size >::setCapacity ( Size capacity)

Set the node's capacity.

capacityThe node's capacity
std::runtime_errorif the capacity is smaller than the current queue size

Reimplemented from dsm::NodeConcept< Id, Size >.

◆ setStreetPriorities()

template<typename Id , typename Size >
void dsm::Node< Id, Size >::setStreetPriorities ( std::set< Id > streetPriorities)

Set the node streets with priority.

streetPrioritiesA std::set containing the node's street priorities

◆ streetPriorities()

template<typename Id , typename Size >
virtual const std::set< Id > & dsm::Node< Id, Size >::streetPriorities ( ) const

Get the node's street priorities.

This function returns a std::set containing the node's street priorities. If a street has priority, it means that the agents that are on that street have priority over the agents that are on the other streets.

std::set<Id> A std::set containing the node's street priorities

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