Dynamical system model
No Matches
dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T > Class Template Reference

The SparseMatrix class represents a sparse matrix. More...

#include <SparseMatrix.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 SparseMatrix (Index rows, Index cols)
 SparseMatrix constructor.
 SparseMatrix (Index index)
 SparseMatrix constructor - colum.
void insert (Index i, Index j, T value)
 insert a value in the matrix
void insert (Index i, T value)
 insert a value in the matrix
void insert_or_assign (Index i, Index j, T value)
 insert a value in the matrix. If the element already exist, it overwrites it
void insert_or_assign (Index index, T value)
 insert a value in the matrix. If the element already exist, it overwrites it
void insert_and_expand (Index i, Index j, T value)
 insert a value in the matrix and expand the matrix if necessary.
void erase (Index i, Index j)
 remove a value from the matrix
void erase (Index index)
 remove a value from the matrix
void eraseRow (Index index)
 remove a row from the matrix
void eraseColumn (Index index)
 remove a column from the matrix
void emptyRow (Index index)
 set to 0 all the elements in a row
void emptyColumn (Index index)
 set to 0 all the elements in a column
void clear ()
 empty the matrix and set the dimensions to zero
bool contains (Index i, Index j) const
 check if the element is non zero
bool contains (Index const index) const
 check if the element is non zero
SparseMatrix< Index, int > getDegreeVector () const
 get the input degree of all nodes
SparseMatrix< Index, double > getStrengthVector () const
 get the strength of all nodes
SparseMatrix< Index, int > getLaplacian () const
 get the laplacian matrix
SparseMatrix getRow (Index index, bool keepIndex=false) const
 get a row as a row vector
SparseMatrix getCol (Index index, bool keepIndex=false) const
 get a column as a column vector
SparseMatrix< Index, double > getNormRows () const
 get a matrix of double with every row normalized to 1
SparseMatrix< Index, double > getNormCols () const
 get a matrix of double with every column normalized to 1
Index getRowDim () const
 get the number of rows
Index getColDim () const
 get the number of columns
Index size () const
 get the number of non zero elements in the matrix
Index max_size () const
 get the maximum number of elements in the matrix
void symmetrize ()
 symmetrize the matrix
void reshape (Index rows, Index cols)
 reshape the matrix
void reshape (Index dim)
 reshape the matrix
std::unordered_map< Index, T >::const_iterator begin () const
 return the begin iterator of the matrix
std::unordered_map< Index, T >::const_iterator end () const
 return the end iterator of the matrix
const T & operator() (Index i, Index j) const
 access an element of the matrix
T & operator() (Index i, Index j)
 access an element of the matrix
const T & operator() (Index index) const
 access an element of the matrix
T & operator() (Index index)
 access an element of the matrix
template<typename I , typename U >
requires std::unsigned_integral<I>
SparseMatrix< Index, T > operator+ (const SparseMatrix< I, U > &other)
 sum of two matrices
template<typename I , typename U >
requires std::unsigned_integral<I>
SparseMatrix< Index, T > operator- (const SparseMatrix< I, U > &other)
 difference of two matrices
SparseMatrix operator++ ()
 transpose the matrix
template<typename I , typename U >
requires std::unsigned_integral<I>
SparseMatrixoperator+= (const SparseMatrix< I, U > &other)
 sum of two matrices
template<typename I , typename U >
requires std::unsigned_integral<I>
SparseMatrixoperator-= (const SparseMatrix< I, U > &other)
 difference of two matrices
template<typename I , typename U >
requires std::unsigned_integral<I>
SparseMatrix< Index, T > & operator+= (const SparseMatrix< I, U > &other)
template<typename I , typename U >
requires std::unsigned_integral<I>
SparseMatrix< Index, T > & operator-= (const SparseMatrix< I, U > &other)

Detailed Description

template<typename Index, typename T>
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
class dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >

The SparseMatrix class represents a sparse matrix.

Template Parameters
IndexThe type of the matrix's index. It must be an unsigned integral type.
TThe type of the matrix's value.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SparseMatrix() [1/2]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::SparseMatrix ( Index rows,
Index cols )

SparseMatrix constructor.

rowsnumber of rows
colsnumber of columns
std::invalid_argumentif rows or cols are < 0

◆ SparseMatrix() [2/2]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::SparseMatrix ( Index index)

SparseMatrix constructor - colum.

indexnumber of rows
std::invalid_argumentif index is < 0

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

template<typename Index , typename T >
std::unordered_map< Index, T >::const_iterator dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::begin ( ) const

return the begin iterator of the matrix

the begin iterator

◆ contains() [1/2]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
bool dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::contains ( Index const index) const

check if the element is non zero

indexindex in vectorial form
true if the element is non zero
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ contains() [2/2]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
bool dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::contains ( Index i,
Index j ) const

check if the element is non zero

irow index
jcolumn index
true if the element is non zero
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ end()

template<typename Index , typename T >
std::unordered_map< Index, T >::const_iterator dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::end ( ) const

return the end iterator of the matrix

the end iterator

◆ erase() [1/2]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
void dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::erase ( Index i,
Index j )

remove a value from the matrix

irow index
jcolumn index
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range
std::runtime_errorif the element is not found

◆ erase() [2/2]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
void dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::erase ( Index index)

remove a value from the matrix

indexindex in vectorial form
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range
std::runtime_errorif the element is not found

◆ eraseColumn()

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
void dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::eraseColumn ( Index index)

remove a column from the matrix

indexcolumn index
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ eraseRow()

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
void dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::eraseRow ( Index index)

remove a row from the matrix

indexrow index
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ getCol()

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
SparseMatrix< Index, T > dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::getCol ( Index index,
bool keepIndex = false ) const

get a column as a column vector

indexcolumn index
keepIndexif true, the index of the elements in the column will be the same as the index of the elements in the matrix
a column vector if keepIndex is false, otherwise a matrix with the same dimensions as the original matrix
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ getColDim()

template<typename Index , typename T >
Index dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::getColDim ( ) const

get the number of columns

number of columns

◆ getDegreeVector()

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
SparseMatrix< Index, int > dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::getDegreeVector ( ) const

get the input degree of all nodes

a SparseMatrix vector with the input degree of all nodes
std::runtime_errorif the matrix is not square

◆ getLaplacian()

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
SparseMatrix< Index, int > dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::getLaplacian ( ) const

get the laplacian matrix

the laplacian matrix
std::runtime_errorif the matrix is not square

◆ getNormCols()

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
SparseMatrix< Index, double > dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::getNormCols ( ) const

get a matrix of double with every column normalized to 1

a matrix of double

◆ getNormRows()

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
SparseMatrix< Index, double > dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::getNormRows ( ) const

get a matrix of double with every row normalized to 1

a matrix of double

◆ getRow()

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
SparseMatrix< Index, T > dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::getRow ( Index index,
bool keepIndex = false ) const

get a row as a row vector

indexrow index
keepIndexif true, the index of the elements in the row will be the same as the index of the elements in the matrix
a row vector if keepIndex is false, otherwise a matrix with the same dimensions as the original matrix
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ getRowDim()

template<typename Index , typename T >
Index dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::getRowDim ( ) const

get the number of rows

number of rows

◆ getStrengthVector()

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
SparseMatrix< Index, double > dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::getStrengthVector ( ) const

get the strength of all nodes

a SparseMatrix vector with the strength of all nodes
std::runtime_errorif the matrix is not square

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
void dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::insert ( Index i,
Index j,
T value )

insert a value in the matrix

irow index
jcolumn index
valuevalue to insert
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
void dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::insert ( Index i,
T value )

insert a value in the matrix

valuevalue to insert
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ insert_and_expand()

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
void dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::insert_and_expand ( Index i,
Index j,
T value )

insert a value in the matrix and expand the matrix if necessary.

irow index
jcolumn index
valuevalue to insert

◆ insert_or_assign() [1/2]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
void dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::insert_or_assign ( Index i,
Index j,
T value )

insert a value in the matrix. If the element already exist, it overwrites it

irow index
jcolumn index
valuevalue to insert
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ insert_or_assign() [2/2]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
void dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::insert_or_assign ( Index index,
T value )

insert a value in the matrix. If the element already exist, it overwrites it

indexindex in vectorial form
valuevalue to insert
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ max_size()

template<typename Index , typename T >
Index dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::max_size ( ) const

get the maximum number of elements in the matrix

maximum number of elements

◆ operator()() [1/4]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
T & dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::operator() ( Index i,
Index j )

access an element of the matrix

irow index
jcolumn index
the element
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ operator()() [2/4]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
const T & dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::operator() ( Index i,
Index j ) const

access an element of the matrix

irow index
jcolumn index
the element
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ operator()() [3/4]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
T & dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::operator() ( Index index)

access an element of the matrix

indexindex in vectorial form
the element
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ operator()() [4/4]

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
const T & dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::operator() ( Index index) const

access an element of the matrix

indexindex in vectorial form
the element
std::out_of_rangeif the index is out of range

◆ operator+()

template<typename Index , typename T >
template<typename I , typename U >
requires std::unsigned_integral<I>
SparseMatrix< Index, T > dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::operator+ ( const SparseMatrix< I, U > & other)

sum of two matrices

otherthe other matrix
the sum of the two matrices
std::runtime_errorif the dimensions do not match

◆ operator++()

template<typename Index , typename T >
requires (std::unsigned_integral<Index>)
SparseMatrix< Index, T > dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::operator++ ( )

transpose the matrix

the transposed matrix

◆ operator+=()

template<typename Index , typename T >
template<typename I , typename U >
requires std::unsigned_integral<I>
SparseMatrix & dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::operator+= ( const SparseMatrix< I, U > & other)

sum of two matrices

otherthe other matrix
the sum of the two matrices
std::runtime_errorif the dimensions do not match

◆ operator-()

template<typename Index , typename T >
template<typename I , typename U >
requires std::unsigned_integral<I>
SparseMatrix< Index, T > dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::operator- ( const SparseMatrix< I, U > & other)

difference of two matrices

otherthe other matrix
the difference of the two matrices
std::runtime_errorif the dimensions do not match

◆ operator-=()

template<typename Index , typename T >
template<typename I , typename U >
requires std::unsigned_integral<I>
SparseMatrix & dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::operator-= ( const SparseMatrix< I, U > & other)

difference of two matrices

otherthe other matrix
the difference of the two matrices
std::runtime_errorif the dimensions do not match

◆ size()

template<typename Index , typename T >
Index dsm::SparseMatrix< Index, T >::size ( ) const

get the number of non zero elements in the matrix

number of non zero elements

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